Fresh Finds 02




  1. Not existing before; made, introduced, or discovered recently or now for the first time.

Fresh Finds is our new weekly series dedicated to “new” music discovery - where, just because it isn’t “new” doesn’t mean it isn’t new to you! We are back this week with four more Fresh Finds for your listening pleasure.

This year has just been... well, it's been something else to say the least. As per usual, music is keeping me anchored in a way unlike any other form of art seems to be capable. Last week, amongst the collective fever pitch, two new albums crept out from the shadows; problematic timing to be promoting music, but perfect for those of us in need of a little respite. This week's tunes all work to bolster the human spirit, and reinvigorate us to keep our heads held high.

Tune into the playlist here!

SOHN - Live with the Metropole Orkest

Indietronica / Symphony

The London-based singer/ songwriter/ producer has been operating under the moniker SOHN since 2010. His 2014 debut "Tremors" made a huge impact on me upon release. He went on to release his second album "Rennen" in 2017, following a string of successful collaborations with the artist Banks. Unfortunately, aside from two singles, we've heard very little since.

That has finally changed with the release of "Live with the Metropole Orkest", and WOW was it well worth the wait. This one off performance was filmed and recorded in 2019 with conductor Hans Ek and his 54 person orchestra. This is SOHN at his artistic peak. His voice has never been clearer and the interpretations of these songs is simply magnificent. Watch the full performance on Youtube!

Notable Highlights:


“The Wheel”






Check the entire album out on Spotify

Klangstof - “The Noise You Make Is Silent”

Indietronica/ Synth-Pop

The Amsterdam based three piece quietly released their sophomore effort, "The Noise You Make Is Silent" back in February. Comprised of 11 songs and just 40 minutes, the album has a surprising range. Frontman Koen van de Wardt's voice expands and contracts with the swell of each song as the record oscillates between genres. Wannes Salomé and Erik Buschmann round and ground out the trio who, together described their writing sessions as having "more in common with wacky science fair projects than all-out jams".

"The Noise You Make Is Silent" has been a mainstay in my playlists since release and it never ceases to impress with its’ versatility. Listen with headphones.

Notable Highlights:

“Blank Page”


“New Congress, New Father”



Check the album out on Spotify

Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever - “Sideways to New Italy”

Indie Rock

Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever are unforgettable in name alone. Thankfully, their music has always made a case for keeping that tongue twister in my lexicon. 2018's "Hope Downs" is a tough act to follow, but this next set of ten songs is proof that these boys are here to stay. Hailing from Melbourne, Australia - RBCF have ascended up the ranks as one of my favorite indie rock bands of this era. Today I lament the fact that I won't be able to see them tour on this album for at least a year, and that it's been a year to the day since I saw them last - it was at Great American Music Hall during a heatwave, how apropos. Give “Sideways To New Italy” a spin today.

Notable Highlights:

"The Second Of The First"

"Falling Thunder"

"She's There"

"Cars in Space"


Dig into the rest of the album on Spotify

Sylvan Esso - WITH

Indie-Pop/ Indietronica

Name a more iconic duo - I'll wait. These two - Amelia Meath and Nick Sanborn - exploded onto the scene in 2014 and have been blazing their own trail ever since. Much like SOHN, Sylvan Esso have two full lengths to their name - their 2014 self-titled debut and 2017's "What Now". "WITH" finds the duo in the company of a full band, comprised of close friends and collaborators, during the final stop on their tour - a sold-out show at the Durham Performing Arts Center. This record elevates the songs of Sylvan Esso's catalogue in a transformative fashion, allowing Amelia's voice to soar and Nick's compositions to sprawl and swell into new heights. Watch the performance in it’s entirety on Youtube!

Notable Highlights:

"Die Young"


"The Glow"


"Slack Jaw"




Listen to the entire album on Spotify


Fresh Finds 03


Fresh Finds 01