Preview: Noise Pop Fest 2020


February marks the return of San Francisco’s annual Noise Pop Music & Arts Festival.

Occurring February 24th through March 1st, Noise Pop takes place in venues across the Bay Area - a welcome awakening as we approach Spring. Now in its 28th year (!), 2020’s lineup is seasoned with a handful of tricks up its sleeve.


What is most striking about Noise Pop’s bookings once you start to dig into them, is how wide of a net they cast when it comes to genre. There are more than 160 acts on this year’s lineup, and truly something for everyone.

To start off our coverage of Noise Pop 2020, we combed through the lineup to create a massive Spotify playlist. Three songs from each artist with a Spotify* profile - in the order they’re billed, from the bottom up.

We think it’s important that opening acts get their due, so the playlist begins with the very last artist on the lineup, followed by the rest of the artists on their specific bill. For example, Rose Droll is the first opener at Starline Social Club on Friday, February 28th. That means, following her on the playlist are the rest of that bill: Blues Lawyer, Cones, and Good Morning. Unfortunately, not all the artists booked appear on streaming platforms, but with over 425 songs, this playlist is an accurate snapshot of what to expect from any given show.


There is still time to familiarize yourself with some of these artists and snag tickets to a show! Check out the Official Noise Pop Music & Arts Festival site for tickets and show details.

Next up, we’ll dig into this lineup further and provide an expansive list of recommendations - worth a listen wether you make it out to a show this month or not!

*(We’ll be doing our best to showcase artists who’ve yet to get their work onto streaming platforms, as well as leveraging more than just Spotify in the future)


The Quilters - “Gravedigger”
