Quarantined, Together 01


Well shit! We are truly living in unprecedented times. I never considered a timeline where all events could be cancelled for the foreseeable future - let alone that we would all be sheltered in place under self quarantine.

It's important, now more than ever, that we support each other and our community as we all begin to grapple with this sudden shift in reality.

There are members of our community whose livelihood is currently being jeopardized by this sudden loss of revenue; the backbone of our nightlife - musicians, DJs, event organizers, promoters, sound and light techs, venues, bartenders and servers are all being hit hard. In order for us to wether this, we have to do so together.

If you have the means, consider donating to any and all of the fundraising campaigns that have begun to crop up:

SutroFM is hosting a 12-hour fundraiser for Bay Area DJs on Saturday, March 21st: https://www.facebook.com/events/485554478994656/

The Safety Net Fund - A non-profit dedicated to helping artists in the Bay Area during the COVID-19 Crisis: https://medium.com/@safetynet/the-safety-net-fund-20040273d291

Bandcamp is waiving it's revenue shares on Friday, March 20th - meaning all proceeds on purchases go directly to the artist: https://daily.bandcamp.com/features/bandcamp-covid-19-fundraiser

[[We will continue to update this list as more events and fundraisers are put together/ more are brought to our attention.]]

Please be aware of how these circumstances effect all of us differently. Be patient, be kind, and be compassionate. Reach out to your neighbors, and look after the elderly.

The Institute of Aging has run the Friendship Hotline since 1973, in an effort to keep older adults feeling connected: https://www.ioaging.org/services/all-inclusive-health-care/friendship-line

We imagine they will be in need of volunteers as we wether this crisis - consider turning in an online application: https://www.ioaging.org/volunteer-for-the-friendship-line

The Quarantine Community Exchange was recently created in order to aggregate services/ resources for the community, by the community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/QuarantineCommunityExchange/

There is truly some remarkable stuff happening here. We're extremely encouraged by what we've seen as the human race slows down and works to stymie the spread of this global pandemic.

Please also be aware that many of your favorite restaurants and cafes are still attempting to stay open in order to provide take-out/ delivery options - consider ordering in to support them, and please don't forget to tip.

We want to do everything we can to support our scene during this global pandemic - please reach out to us if you want to share a fundraiser, livestream, art, music, photos, ideas, or even a virtual drink.

Cheers from Tortoiseshell


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Have Mercy