2017 Rap’t

2017 Rap’t

Software: After Effects CC / Illustrator CC

As the year draws to a close, the music streaming app Spotify provides it's users with a comprehensive, personalized data set based on listening habits. They called this campaign "2017 Wrapped". Not only do they provide specific numbers for various data sets, they also provide users with their 5 most listened to tracks. As an active member of an online music community, I thought it'd be fun to aggregate as many member's top 5 tracks as possible - in an effort to dig into the listening habits of the community at large, and really get a feel for where our tastes lie.

That effort culminated in a community driven playlist (https://open.spotify.com/user/justinjerwin/playlist/7ef56T6WyCwwJ5vv45lzNy?si=ZMdKvlW8QWOquH3q6M5a6w) that I than analyzed in order to produce this animation.

Audio courtesy Austin Velez aka SGRKANE (https://soundcloud.com/sgrkane)


Conservatory of Flowers


Room 504