Room 504

Room 504 - Student Film

Software: After Effects CC / Canon 60D

Room 504 is a classroom at Ex'pression College in Emeryville, California. Anyone whose spent enough time in this room can attest to the energy within. Long nights are commonplace, and more often than not you find yourself alone after everyone else has gone. And thats when it really becomes eerie.

Ex'pression was built upon the old burial grounds of the Shellmound Tribe, the Native Americans that dwelled there back in the day. It has long been inferred that these spirits may still linger within the area, perhaps gravitating towards the creative energies swirling within the campus.

Regardless of the explanation or the source, it became necessary to utilize this setting and the existing lore for an excercise in stop motion. Filmed in August of 2012 with the help of Corey Redfield, Joey Spingarn, and PATCHE$ Glucksman - I pulled the footage from my archives in October 2013 to do post production in order to submit for the Halloween Vimeo Challenge.

The sound was completed in November of 2013 by Brian Herrera of Syntax Audible. Special Thanks to Ex'pression College, and all of my talented friends who were involved!

Submitted to the Weekend Challenge:


2017 Rap’t